Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Salam. I think I should set 30 minutes to update some stuff here. Some people just to caring to know what;s I've been up with. I've been busy since yesterday, well maybe last week. I had my first lecture at 9 am. And I had to run on the first day of class because I couldn't find the lecture hall. hehe. and I had to run again to catch up with my second lecture which started at 10 am. The two places are quite far and yes definitely hilly.And today I had two lectures again and a LAB. Biochemistry and chemistry lectures so far so good. But I'm thinking of changing Anatomy to Physiology. I just found out that Anatomy is just about memorizing the body parts of human and animals. I don't think this would be useful for me unless I'm taking medicine. In other case, physiology is far more interesting. Yurp, I've read and do some research. yeah i know I should have done it earlier. ala mana la nak tawu kannnn.Anyway, these 3 textbooks, just borrowed from the library with the help of ChingChai, my cempaka senior. I'm glad I bump into him at the library. I didnt really search for the books. He picked those up for me. hehe melampau kan.

This is Wills Memorial Building. selalu sangat lalu kat sini. tadi lalu jugak. kena pegi students union untuk ambik bank letter and then pegi Llyods nak bukak bank account. sekejap ja pun. lepas abes kelad dr pkl 9 to 9.50 pecut pegi , smua selesai dalam pkl 10.30 cuz appointment dengan bank pkl 10.15. memang best pecut, bila dah selesai macam nak tercabut lutut cuz lari naik bukit. yeah did I mention , kaki lebam and ada luka sebab jatuh yang memag melampau. haha. this is not a complaint but i think it's funny. It is not easy to walk when there is wind coming toward you and worse more if you are going uphill. Yes, I shall say one more time again , This place is more hilly. I am a healthy girl, tapi dah sakit lutut dah. I wonder if Umi datang cnie macam mana la nanti. so Ayah kena la cari kereta kan..? yess my life would be much easier too *wink*. x per, parking boleyh cari. haha. owh gambar x dak orang and kereta sebab ambik masa hari ahad pagi pukul 8. manusia x wujud kat jalan langsung. masa ni pegi umah senior kejap, amek rice cooker free. jimat $$$.
This is the schedule for last week induction week. I told you guys I was busy. Even when there was nothing, I was going downhill and uphill buying keperluan asas. x boleyh beli sekali gus skali sebab nak mampos la heret naik bukit. so pandai2 la buat 4 enam kali trip. I love the International Students Welcome Event. met lots of new people from everywhere and I found out it is much more easier to mingle with international students rather than locals here. I know British people are polite but errm it's just hard sometimes.

These are the FREE goodies I got from FRESHERS FAIR on Thursday. These stuff in ONE day. and I went on Friday too. Freshers fair is like where you have booth for many societies and clubs. and other companies too. So what I did was buat muka x malu, and just talk with the people at the booth, and sign up for something. ala write down names and email, and then they give free stuff. But it doesnt mean I join their clubs. hhehe dasar tamak kan. cuz I went to almost every booth. eg of stuff: coupuns, towel, bag, noodles, yeah lots of sweets and chocolates and candies, and 5 music thumbdrive from vodafone :P Funny thing at vodafone booth was, I told them that I'm new and Im still looking for a phone and I got more stuff than my friend who said she already had a phone. But at that time I already have a phone. I'm using Lebara temporarily.

On Saturday, I took a free bus to Wai Yee Hong, an oriental shop, very far. and I bought some useful stuff. I went to IKEA too (murah gila2 brng kat ikea)  I had to buy maggi. it's expensive but since I;m not good in converting money by using my head so I cant see the price difference. and if you can see I have minced garlic, minced ginger, minced red chili, minced green chilli. yeaaaaaay , x payah kupas bawang or potong cili. sumbat ja smua  nie kalo nak masak.  kenapa x pernah jumpa ya benda mcam nie kat malaysia. kan senang kalo ada macam nie. and I need hot chocolate and tea to warm my stomach. and I decided to try different kind of brand buy buying small packets. only 30 p each small packet and i bought like 6 different kind of drink. nak try dulu. they even have ginger chocolate.euwwwwwww. mcm mn la rs tu. x ambik pun yg tu. mcm pelik ja bau nnti. yeah i know ive said I wont buy stuff with tesco brand but it is to hard to resist the cheap price. botol salt yg besar tu cuma 25 p ok. yg tu je kowt brand tesco takat nie. owh and I bought milk ( not from tesco) kat kedai atas bukit near my place. masa bayar hr tu terkejut sebab beli botol besar, masa tu dah bwk kluar 5 pound dah pun cuz ingat hara 3 pount ke atas. but rupanya cuma 99 p for big bottle of milk. so damn cheap. I think I'm done with buying the kitchen stuff. I have stocks of frozen fish, telur,hotdog and ayam halal, nasi pun berasmati pnyaaaa! murah gila. and buah pun slalu beli. pisang yg besar gedabak and bnyk dlm 7-10 bleyh dpt dlm 88 p saja. puas kowt makan tu. and yess chocolate, x beli tipu la kan. I did buy some untuk snacks between kelas. buah x beli sngt sbb bnyk sngt makanan x tawu nak makan apa. tp i admit I am very lazy to cook. and x yah malu kalo masak x jadi cuz Ive seen worse in this house. lagi dasyat gila nak mampos lepas makanan dh siap masak. smua x reti masak la dlm umah nie. yes i do think i can cook better than them in this house. ok perasan kejap. owh im talking a lot bout food. jangan risau, I will always take care of my body, x nak gemuk. kawasan sini hilly so slalu naik bukit and turun bukit, bakar lemak jgk, im thinking of joining the fitness activities every wednesday, yurp will start tomorrow. I'm going to the free taster session. dekat sj pun. atas bukit .

I think I'll just talk bout these stuff for now. nak study nie.it's already 9.30 pm. I usually sleep around 11 or sometimes at 10 pm I'm in heaven already. penat woo naik bukit. and its easy to wake up at 3 am in teh morning, bunyi ambulans adn friday night, bising sbb manusia mabuk lalu lalang.

so thats all for now. yeah and I dont do uploading pics on facebook. I'll say honestly that I feel like jakuns if i upload my pics on fb. sngt malu hehehehe.


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