Friday, December 28, 2012

Why I've become more lazy?

Everything here seems so easy. Example..the use of debit card and online shopping. I'm sure we have this in Malaysia tapi tak pernah pun enjoy macam kat sini. Public transport, UK besar dari Malaysia, but to travel throughout the whole UK seems so EASY and CHEAP. I think Ive been travelling to London ONCE a month since I arrived in UK. Hey, London is my kampung ngehngeh.

I'm back from Prague and RISE (will tell this more in my next post InsyaAllah)
And Ive been sick more than a week. selsema batuk and demam. so hibernate je la kan kat rumah.
im too tired to go out and buy groceries so i decided to do online shopping.
I thought it would take me less time, it took me almost 2 freaking hours, sama macam pergi kedai. sebab lagi banyak choice. The best thing is that I dnt have to carry all those stuff.

banyak kan??ok maybe tak la sngt kan.
These should last for 1 and half month or maybe 2 months. I hope so. Untuk sorang la.
But nowdays, I mean since this year I have lots of guests, so my budget for food increases, it is fine for me. I am happy to feed people. Not that I can go poor by doing that.

And I'm glad that I went to carboot sale the other day. I bought 8 plates and 4 bowls for £1 !! yeah £1.
Had to buy it cuz my housemates complaining that their so EXPENSIVE pinggan dah cheap, and risau bowl hilang..and BLA BLA for me was HAHAHAHA. kalo tak bagi pinjam cakap je la.simple.
-but seriously..-

back to why I have become lazy, I found these :

Look ! carrots! Now I dnt have to waste time peeling the carrot and potong2. 

Do you see what is this?? ONIONS !! no more peeling ! no more teary eyes !! 

Broccoli and Cauliflowers !! cakap la tak sedap watever. but I dnt want to waste stuff. kalo beli yang fresh, i dnt know when i am going to cook.  so yang ini fozen, tengok expired date ..nov and jun 2013.
haha memang la akan abes before tarikh luput. but usually this will last for a month. and the best thing is benda ni dah dipotong kecik2

Do I need to explain more?? These are all frozen food.

Some people would think I am such a PEMALAS. Yes I would admit that. BUT please think back, hey why the big trouble when you have the easy way?? The price is almost the same so not a big deal.

I would buy buah yang dah kupas and potong but that is way too expensive. Kalo vegetables fresh yang bukan frozen yang dah kupas basuh and potong pun ada, tapi lagi mahal and tak berbaloi. 
at least i havent buy cabbage yang dah kupas. that would be a pity for me haihh.

Groceries delivery is cool. I dnt have to sweat naik turun bukit pergi Sainsbury. and tak sakit belakang and I dnt have to face the rain or cold.

I want to admit that Ive been under the duvet for almost 5 days. My excuse is I was sick. Now I am better I should start study.
