Saturday, March 10, 2012

lactose intolerance

selalu sakit perut lepas minum susu. dari dulu lagi. tak la sakit perut sangt2 tapi sakit perut nak buang.
and when ive studied physiology,i think i might have lactose intolerance.
HAHAHAHAH suka hati ja kan diagnos diri sendiri
tapi betul la. my body might have produce small amount of enzyme lactase only.
and when i learnt about physiology and make friends with bakal2 doctors,
i found out lots about my body.
apparently, i have small lung volume compared to a normal human range but i might be cause I'm small. and lack of exercise. eleh mmg tak pernah exercise pun.
perasan tak if i eat a lot waktu malam, mesti penat and ngantok then terus tido. so thats why avoid makan malam, sebab nanti tak boleyh study.
and the way im living now, i like to skip meals, so when you actually skipped meals, hydrocloric acid is still being produced by the stomach, and it should be that I should get stomach pain, or ulcer, or gastric.
ye la.banyak hari tak makan, minum air je pun , ok je
ada orang cakap kalo tak makan akan sakit perut, well i never have that kind of pain.
which come into conclusion,
my body produce little amount of acid, hahahahaha i guess so
which means my metabolic rate is slow, and i can easily get fat
but by the way im eating now, it might not affect me now, it will give me effects as i get older. maybe.
soooo ive decided, i will try my best to eat well LOL

talking craps again.

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