Thursday, March 8, 2012

Teach for Malaysia

Have you ever heard of Teach for America, Teach for India or Teach for Australia??
and we actually have Teach for Malaysia

The program seems interesting.It is like where you get the chance to teach school kids in .but it is different than normal teachers. cuz this program is very selective and they want people that can inspire those kids. very interesting. it is a 2 year programs. it doesnt matter what course you are doing and how professional you are, anyone can join. WOW amazing can.

I mean kalo dapat cikgu best yang semangat memang awesome. it is true that those childrens berjaya pun sebab cikgu2. but kita smua nampak kan, cikgu sekolah macam mana sekarang. i dont say all teachers, but some teachers are very good but some just so lame. honestly if i dont like the teacher i wont follow her lessons. well, that is Malaysian education.

I'm not thinking to join yet. Cuz im only in the first year.i will think again in my 3rd year. seems like the application cam susah nak lepas. but belum cuba belum tahu.
I'm sure there are still lots of other program doing something like this.

I'm thinking on how I can serve the community in long-term change. I dont want to be just a Biochemist, bosan kowt hidup. So I'll figure out what I want to do. Not that I dont want to further my study. But I want to do something that will make my life more precious and something I'm happy with. 
I'm not saying I regret doing Biochemistry, but I just found out I love physiology more than I love Biochemistry. It is better for me to take medicine. HAHA cis perasan la sangat
kalo nak jadi doktor kena orang yang ada semangat kuat. tak sanggup ok nak kerja kat hospital kalo shift malam. takut. and takut darah .eiii geli. and ngeri.
So let me just go with the flow.

Sekarang dah kena pilih option unit for next year. I have lots of choices. But im confused wether I should take unit which I like but seems very hard or unit which is easy but I dont have interest at all.
nak amek Pharmacology next year.ada kena banyak hafal drug molecules and structures.more than 50 i heard. tapi best kan.
or Maths. if amek maths tak perlu hafal apa2 pun. cuma kena paham and buat latihan banyak2 je kan.
other options like no way, tak minat langsung. 
No way im taking anatomy. no function in my degree. maybe easy to score but useless nanti.
microbiology or cancel cell they said easy to score but i dont like it.bosan la belajar tengok microscope.
Drugs are more awesome.

talking craps. 
sepatutnya cakap pasal teach for Malaysia. 



I'll be in the library. as library is my 2nd home. 
(dont worry umi, balik malam2 cni selamat,lgpun pizah tak jalan tapi berLARI sbb kena lalu hospital and tapak binaan, SERAM , so setiap malam pizah rajin jogging turun bukit )



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