Thursday, May 3, 2012

summer break

i still remember most of my seniors said they wasted 3 months for going  back to Malaysia. that was my first reason why i dnt want to go back at the first place.
but bila pikir balik, i dont think I have enough time when I go back Malaysia nanti. I wonder what they did hrmm
Ayah Umi I need you blessings, I have lots of stuff to do when I'm home hehehehe
I'm really sure I will utilize all the time i have nanti.
Ill be back in Malaysian from 11 July until 28th September. that's almost 3 months.
Anyway, here is the plan that I have plan since awal2 lagi.
supposely when I go back, i want to learn how to cook. nak belajar dari cikti. ye la. I am 20 tp x reti masak :((  boleh kan cikti . jangan la garang sangat. huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue
I want to go Art Class. I bought a new oil paint set in January :DD
and I m going to sew lots and lots of flowers. my target is 2000 flowers. hehehe
ayah, pizah akan semakkan rumah ok =p
there are few other stuff but tak nak bgtaw, sngt malu ouch
but for now, this is a maybe plan,
13  July to 15 July -> WOW in KL  (this is not confirm yet as i might have to go Miri on 13th)

16 July to 20 July -> Miri, Sarawak ( this is confirm cuz ive applied and I got it : )
 Since I've put up the link so I dnt have to tell more kan?

30 July to 2 August -> Bandung, Indonesia
we are buying cheap air asia flight tickets, 'we' means Cempakans, we'll be doing a charity projek kat rumah anak2 yatim there. and of course at the same time nak shopping. I want to bring Hana or Anis. tapi umi/pakngah kena sponsor diorng la. boleh kan bawak anis pakngah, since dia pun free?

InsyaAllah i will do all this. im aware that some of the events masa bulan posa. but like I said before, I just dont like when ppl said you cant do this and that without reasonable reason and say owh its just religions stuff. ok nevermind.
other than this date I want to be in Penang with umi and ayah, hana hadi and bullah. and TOK !!
ok tipu la kalo cakap tak rindu tok
pizah rindu cikti and cik adi jugak =p
cikti baju raya pizah tak buat lagi .wuwuwu,
Hana and Hadi, kakak nak bawak pegi shopping kat Popular okeyh :))

urmm so for now
ayah umi jangan risau sangat okeyh :) I've been good here and happy well walopun lonely selalu
I dont like most of the matsalleh here. sombong bongkak berlagak and so proud of themselves  and sangat liar. owh gosh dah la dalam public speaking society ada minah matsaleh yang annoying gila @-@

owh update pasal usrah, i ve been there tiga kali ja, kan dah cakap nak bagi cubaan lima kali kan, the thing is macam kena sambung next year, so I still have to continue tahun depan.

Ive been eating a lot lately. sebab beli shopping online . so tak payah pegi bei grocery then tarik barang berat2. so senang hidup. masa tu ada kupon,free delivery :) from Sainsbury
and i finished chocolate bar sainsbury 100 gram yg 35 p tu dalam satu hari =_=
tawu la benda tu gemuk tapi dah addicted. this happen last week, 5 days in a row, so 5 bars of chocolates. ok srkng dah stop sebab stock dah abes. maybe I should get more esok.

there is one good news! I havent been shopping since hrrmm x ingat la! yeay to me !
nak save duit nanti nak bawak umi ayah jalan senang or maybe ayah sponsor . bolehhh kan??

dah dapat tak postcard pizah dari spain?????

anyway sorry tak online or have not been updating blog. sangat sibuk lately
exam start on 22nd May smpai 13 Jun. so sekarang tngh study tapi kelas still ada. melampau kan. x der study week :((

this weekend ada program solat hajat and bacaan yasin by mcs. tu jeee
so nothing much going on lately besides study tutorials lectures and so on
what a life macam nie but life has to go on.

hrmm i wanna say something about the Malaysian Society here.,,hrmmm
tapi nanti la pizah bgtaw
i should focus my study dulu >.<

owh im thinking a new camera since my camera not so canggih and cantek
and nnti ayah umi nak datang tak der camera nak tangkap gambar honeymoon plak. hahahahhaah

okeyh thats all for now.


p/s : soory no picture. macam surat ja pun .okeyh

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