Sunday, November 25, 2012

something surprising?


Right now I am attending a program called ' From Zero to Hero'.
And since I have a laptop with me and I dont have my note book and pen so i decided to type, but rather than typing in Words, why not I share in my blog :) eventhough I know only ayah umi hadi j apun yang skodeng page ni hehe. at least my notes is safe here

What I'm learning :

Hadith 1 : Manusia seperti logam

Hadith 2 : Kebaikan bagi mereka yang faham
Huraian-tahu and paham??
nak faham kena tahu. penting untuk faham
nak memahami Islam guna hati.

Hadith 3 : Hati menentukan perilaku manusiaa yang indiviuaHuraian- you know about the daging stuff.

Soul purpose of our life is to beribadah to Him.

So, what is Ibadah actually?
Ibadah is just not about puasa solat and what we learnt in agama kelas but everything
So sejauh mana kita terperangkap in terms of ibadah? The scope is luas.

Rugilah kalo matlamat hidup hanya ke arah keduniaan.
Make our goal to Allah.


Islam is not agama yang individualistik.

......z....z..z...z...z...z.z..z.z.... sorry now im lost Wth

Dr Azizi Alias slot :

-Change the way how we interact with Quran.
-We are in zaman kebangkitan Islam.
-Compare how Quran priotise issues vs with  how we muslim interact with Quran
-Jihad?? ?
-Quran told us about birth of Jesus , Nabi Yahya, Maryam. but why never tell anything about Muhammad??
-so many perang- perjuangan for ummah.
- Maulidul Rasul not mention in Quran, but not wrong to celebrate but we did not priorities important stuff
- we do boycott McD but we did not boycot how we live as a life of Yahudi

-they (sahabat Nabi) read for guide of life vs we read Quran for pahala and rewards.
Huraian : Keberkatan dapat bila paham and amal.
- they read until they understand and memorise and amal vs we read before sunat or akad nikah and before syawal of ramadan
- sahabat RAA read QUran for ibadah for dakwah and for life vs but we read Quran in front of a jar of water and drink to get inspiration for exams, to get profit from business or to get ppl to like/love me. (more like placebo effect)
[fadhilat ayat seribu dinar is not hadis sah] [ayat pengasih?- jangan salah guna ]

so what we should do?
-Join Usrah Halaqah (better than ceramah and raudah, one way prophet did)
=small group is more effective

Everything we start small and become big.

Individu Muslime->Baitul Muslim->Masyarakat Muslim->Daulah Islam->Kerajaan Islam->Empayar Islam->Uztaziyatul Islam
by Imam Hasan AlBanna.
Daulah is negara

Question from the floor- not everyone wants to join usrah?
Answer=> I have no idea whats the answer. so putar belit for me.sorry to say.

no need to be rendah diri walopun x belajar bahasa arab. we can still read Quran with translation.

Importance of Pre-Hijrah Historical Events

ok now im back at home.
the event is from 9 am to 6 pm now it is 2.37 pm. sorry i left early cuz i hv 4 datelines this week T_T

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


YOLO stands for You Only Live Once .

Right now there are so many stuff I would want and love to do. when I said many I mean I think I have a really looooong list.
Dont worry I know there is limitation in everything and I'm not planning to do something against Gods' rules.
And I do know that right now I am a student and I need to study and balance up my life.
I am always at Uni since morning and come back only around 9 pm. I like to stay at the ASS. HAHA
ASS stands for Art and Social Science Library =p
I'm okay with studying at home but SEJUK OK. pakai baju tebal banyak lapis pun, tangan nak pegang pen pun dah beku.
So it wont be a surprise if you see me at the library wearing the same sweatshirt yang sama jee.
and I cant sleep in the classes no matter how sleepy i am cuz i am actually using my brain and thinking this year HAHA
BUT I am dying of 4 practical reports due the same week and TWO freaking 1000 words for each essay .there goes my weekend. buhbye lazy time.

From the picture, you see how happy I am right now :)))))))))))
ok perasan but watever.
So many things happen for a reason, God knows best whatever His plan for us.

And for whatever we are doing there must be a reason too :))

I know this may not be relevent to what I'm saying here but I just want to share
''Those who heart finds rest in the remembrance of Allah,verily, in the remembrance of Allah will hearts find rest'' 13:28
It is a deep meaning for me. I'm still 'searching' :)

Ok back to YOLO, I dont want to waste my life. There are so many stuff to learn and oh yeah prepare for akhirat.............

heyyy i still have the dream of doing SKY DIVING !! One day I WILL do it and no one can stop me.

Anyway, if I am really going to update what I do in Bristol here , either on FB or Instagram or Blog, OMG, someone will get jealous especially Hadi.
HAHAHAH okeyh I am perasan again.
ye la nanti umi marah plak kata pizah tak study, padahal tak kan la nak tulis benda apa yang pizah belajar kannnn
so jangan la merajuk kalo tak update hehe
I am fine ayah umi :))
I am happy and excited with everything around me but dont worry I wont be nakal nakal.
hehe ok maybe a bit boros. OMG i want ££££££££
I dont know ££ just cant be with me . They always go T_T
