I AM STRESSED OUT AND SCARED!!!!!!!! I'm nervous for the papers!!!!
but I HAVE STUDIED!!!!!!
studying is draining my energy .
My motivation right now is
1. takut ayah and umi bising kalo tak score T_T
2. my company
3. my trips to Germany, France and Italy
4. i want to go to pottery room after exam.nk tumbuk tanah liat
And here is my plan..if anyone try to find me or something..BUT this is my MOTIVATION!!!!
28th May : Exam Chemistry --> past year paper seems TOO easy. but i dnt give a damn. if sudenly tukar pattern then mati la.
29th May : Prepare for Biochem paper
30th May : BIOCHEM PAPER!!!!!!! --> 3 written essays about cycles @-@
now i HATE biochem..cuz i dnt get the point of me learning it.
31th May : Nak buat nasi lemak
1 Jun sampai 12th Jun : WOahhhhhhhhhhhh 12 hari utk prepare for next paper. YES I WILL DEFINITELY SCORE THIS PAPER!!!!!! InsyaAllah!!
but i have international event dlm 4 jam kowt .hehe
13 Jun : paper Physiology
14 and 15 Jun : PACK BARANG!!! my gosh mesti bnyk mende kena pack.
16th Jun : THORPE PARK TRIP http://www.thorpepark.com/ organised by Malay Cultural Society
17th Jun : Evening bus to London.
18th - 20th Jun : Germany Business Trip under MACFIS http://macfis.co.uk/
21th - 22th : Explore London. been to london more than 10th time tapi x abes explore lagi
23th Jun ; Yeah umi datang
24th - 26 th : Paris
26th -28th : Venice
28th - 29th : Pisa
29th-3rd july : BRISTOL
3rd- 6th July : London with AYAH and UMI --> ayah bwk kredit card taw heheheheheh
7th -10th July : Bristol
11th July : FINALLY malaysia LOL
13-15th July : KL for WOW
16th -20th July : Miri Sarawak for KALSOM
21th- 22th July : spend time kat rumah pakngah.
23th July-29th July : at HOME ,penang.
30 July - 2 August : Bandung , Indonesia
3 August smpai early september : belum ada FULL plan lagi. nanti baru update.
bulan september pun.InsyaAllah going honeymoon with umi kat singapore and langkawi.hehe
okeh 28th september datang balik UK
these ARE all my MOTIVATIONS utk exam
i hv to REPEAT which is the exams will be in SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!
ok of to study now. took me 25 minutes to type this
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
bosan @-@
Anyway, exam is next week. Takut. okeyh tak tawu ready ke x
please pray for me everyone
btw. something came up in my mind when I was doing my work
i'm going to start a company when i go back to malaysia
I'm not kidding . I am serious.
tiket kl dh beli tiket miri dh beli . smua tiket dh setel
boleh study dgn tenang
PMs visit I didnt go eventhough I was in charge of the free transport.
more than 30++ ppl from southwest region
eleh diorng dapat sandwich sardin je pun.
nasib baik x pergi =p
I think Ive been a bit crazy lately
dont worry tak buat kerja gila pun
so many stuff happening @-@
owh no I skipped my chemistry tutorials and meet my tutor a week after that
u know why. because i dont like my tutorial group. i dnt like freaking matsaleh sombong and berlagak pandai and so when i cn answer the questions on the board baru ternganga . ingat orang tak reti ke
gedik betul matsaleh cni.
ok i sound racist now
not smua matsaleh mcm tu. but uni of bristol ada banyak students kaya raya.
u can tell kalo diorng from high status or biasa2 by the way they dress.
okeyh next year nak lawan dressing jugak la
apeeee ingat orng pakai tudung tak boleh melaram jugak ke?
dah la asyik2 pakai color dull. brown black and dark blue.
I will wear BRIGHT COLORS.
and make sure im hotter
Thursday, May 10, 2012
exam mood.
22 may smpai 13 Jun
but not so stress cuma takut
and i know im playing too much but still kena study.but at the same time enjoy :)
tak sanggup study 24/7 ok
i'm still going for society events but pottery and public speaking off kejap
cuma BISC activites and malaysian society ja
and I have invitation for birthday parties which will be on the same day.one at a nice cafe and another one at a crazy bar. dont think i will go to both. i'm still sick and i might pass the virus to everyone
and guess what, our Prime Minister nak datang London next Monday on 14th of May so all students from Southwest region will get FREE transport. SMART! wonder why only Southwest Region?
even London people pun tak akan pegi that event, they should know that now ALL students are having exam. why at this time? cant they just do it after exam? i would go if it is not so near exam time.and i know some of my friends ada exam on 15th may so sah2 tak akan pergi.
and last minute announcement, i only knw this last week.
yeah if i want to travel , i plan 3 months ahead. im busy on next monday :(
i wonder ada ANGPAU x??
if ada i would go hehehehe
I'm still dilemma nk pegi ke tak?
anyway, nak study ! nak study! exam takuttttttt k
owh cuti july ni I'm really2 sorry ayah and umi, I have to go KL,Sarawak, Bandung and Pahang. InsyaAllah.
KL -> program WOW , I'm one of the committee under sponsorship
Sarawak -> Projek Kalsom, jadi fasi
Bandung-> projek dgn anak yatim (cempaka),bagos utk hati jadi lembut?
Pahang -> Leeds program anak angkat. this is with Wanie also.
after that ill stay at home sbb kena start menjahit 2000 bunga.PENTING! kalo tak nnti tak cukup duit haihh
Umi I have to find internship kat USM.penting jugak.
mesti ayah umi pelik why I'm going to do this and that.
this is for the sake of my future.If I want to work for great company and hv a good job it doesnt just matter with ur pointer or CGPA. if u hv great result tp u hv no experience or just nerdy, who wants you? and kena compete with others lagi.
and besides this is something I LOVE to do. not by force .
I really want to get support from family and friends. ye la mana best kalo tak dapat berkat/redha parent kan.
bukannya nk lari dari rumah taww.i will be at home after that
But I promise Joanne I will visit her in Singapore. JOM la kita jalan2 singapore.PLEASE AYAH UMI!!
saaaaaayaaaaaaaang ayah and umi muah muah
OH yes I AM already 21 YEARS OLD.
tiba tiba rasa sangat tua
22 may smpai 13 Jun
but not so stress cuma takut
and i know im playing too much but still kena study.but at the same time enjoy :)
tak sanggup study 24/7 ok
i'm still going for society events but pottery and public speaking off kejap
cuma BISC activites and malaysian society ja
and I have invitation for birthday parties which will be on the same day.one at a nice cafe and another one at a crazy bar. dont think i will go to both. i'm still sick and i might pass the virus to everyone
and guess what, our Prime Minister nak datang London next Monday on 14th of May so all students from Southwest region will get FREE transport. SMART! wonder why only Southwest Region?
even London people pun tak akan pegi that event, they should know that now ALL students are having exam. why at this time? cant they just do it after exam? i would go if it is not so near exam time.and i know some of my friends ada exam on 15th may so sah2 tak akan pergi.
and last minute announcement, i only knw this last week.
yeah if i want to travel , i plan 3 months ahead. im busy on next monday :(
i wonder ada ANGPAU x??
if ada i would go hehehehe
I'm still dilemma nk pegi ke tak?
anyway, nak study ! nak study! exam takuttttttt k
owh cuti july ni I'm really2 sorry ayah and umi, I have to go KL,Sarawak, Bandung and Pahang. InsyaAllah.
KL -> program WOW , I'm one of the committee under sponsorship
Sarawak -> Projek Kalsom, jadi fasi
Bandung-> projek dgn anak yatim (cempaka),bagos utk hati jadi lembut?
Pahang -> Leeds program anak angkat. this is with Wanie also.
after that ill stay at home sbb kena start menjahit 2000 bunga.PENTING! kalo tak nnti tak cukup duit haihh
Umi I have to find internship kat USM.penting jugak.
mesti ayah umi pelik why I'm going to do this and that.
this is for the sake of my future.If I want to work for great company and hv a good job it doesnt just matter with ur pointer or CGPA. if u hv great result tp u hv no experience or just nerdy, who wants you? and kena compete with others lagi.
and besides this is something I LOVE to do. not by force .
I really want to get support from family and friends. ye la mana best kalo tak dapat berkat/redha parent kan.
bukannya nk lari dari rumah taww.i will be at home after that
But I promise Joanne I will visit her in Singapore. JOM la kita jalan2 singapore.PLEASE AYAH UMI!!
saaaaaayaaaaaaaang ayah and umi muah muah
OH yes I AM already 21 YEARS OLD.
tiba tiba rasa sangat tua
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random pics. ni gambar lama |
Thursday, May 3, 2012
summer break
i still remember most of my seniors said they wasted 3 months for going back to Malaysia. that was my first reason why i dnt want to go back at the first place.
but bila pikir balik, i dont think I have enough time when I go back Malaysia nanti. I wonder what they did hrmm
Ayah Umi I need you blessings, I have lots of stuff to do when I'm home hehehehe
I'm really sure I will utilize all the time i have nanti.
Ill be back in Malaysian from 11 July until 28th September. that's almost 3 months.
Anyway, here is the plan that I have plan since awal2 lagi.
supposely when I go back, i want to learn how to cook. nak belajar dari cikti. ye la. I am 20 tp x reti masak :(( boleh kan cikti . jangan la garang sangat. huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue
I want to go Art Class. I bought a new oil paint set in January :DD
and I m going to sew lots and lots of flowers. my target is 2000 flowers. hehehe
ayah, pizah akan semakkan rumah ok =p
there are few other stuff but tak nak bgtaw, sngt malu ouch
but for now, this is a maybe plan,
13 July to 15 July -> WOW in KL (this is not confirm yet as i might have to go Miri on 13th)
16 July to 20 July -> Miri, Sarawak ( this is confirm cuz ive applied and I got it : )
Since I've put up the link so I dnt have to tell more kan?
30 July to 2 August -> Bandung, Indonesia
we are buying cheap air asia flight tickets, 'we' means Cempakans, we'll be doing a charity projek kat rumah anak2 yatim there. and of course at the same time nak shopping. I want to bring Hana or Anis. tapi umi/pakngah kena sponsor diorng la. boleh kan bawak anis pakngah, since dia pun free?
InsyaAllah i will do all this. im aware that some of the events masa bulan posa. but like I said before, I just dont like when ppl said you cant do this and that without reasonable reason and say owh its just religions stuff. ok nevermind.
other than this date I want to be in Penang with umi and ayah, hana hadi and bullah. and TOK !!
ok tipu la kalo cakap tak rindu tok
pizah rindu cikti and cik adi jugak =p
cikti baju raya pizah tak buat lagi .wuwuwu,
Hana and Hadi, kakak nak bawak pegi shopping kat Popular okeyh :))
urmm so for now
ayah umi jangan risau sangat okeyh :) I've been good here and happy well walopun lonely selalu
I dont like most of the matsalleh here. sombong bongkak berlagak and so proud of themselves and sangat liar. owh gosh dah la dalam public speaking society ada minah matsaleh yang annoying gila @-@
owh update pasal usrah, i ve been there tiga kali ja, kan dah cakap nak bagi cubaan lima kali kan, the thing is macam kena sambung next year, so I still have to continue tahun depan.
Ive been eating a lot lately. sebab beli shopping online . so tak payah pegi bei grocery then tarik barang berat2. so senang hidup. masa tu ada kupon,free delivery :) from Sainsbury
and i finished chocolate bar sainsbury 100 gram yg 35 p tu dalam satu hari =_=
tawu la benda tu gemuk tapi dah addicted. this happen last week, 5 days in a row, so 5 bars of chocolates. ok srkng dah stop sebab stock dah abes. maybe I should get more esok.
there is one good news! I havent been shopping since hrrmm x ingat la! yeay to me !
nak save duit nanti nak bawak umi ayah jalan senang or maybe ayah sponsor . bolehhh kan??
dah dapat tak postcard pizah dari spain?????
anyway sorry tak online or have not been updating blog. sangat sibuk lately
exam start on 22nd May smpai 13 Jun. so sekarang tngh study tapi kelas still ada. melampau kan. x der study week :((
this weekend ada program solat hajat and bacaan yasin by mcs. tu jeee
so nothing much going on lately besides study tutorials lectures and so on
what a life macam nie but life has to go on.
hrmm i wanna say something about the Malaysian Society here.,,hrmmm
tapi nanti la pizah bgtaw
i should focus my study dulu >.<
owh im thinking a new camera since my camera not so canggih and cantek
and nnti ayah umi nak datang tak der camera nak tangkap gambar honeymoon plak. hahahahhaah
okeyh thats all for now.
p/s : soory no picture. macam surat ja pun .okeyh
but bila pikir balik, i dont think I have enough time when I go back Malaysia nanti. I wonder what they did hrmm
Ayah Umi I need you blessings, I have lots of stuff to do when I'm home hehehehe
I'm really sure I will utilize all the time i have nanti.
Ill be back in Malaysian from 11 July until 28th September. that's almost 3 months.
Anyway, here is the plan that I have plan since awal2 lagi.
supposely when I go back, i want to learn how to cook. nak belajar dari cikti. ye la. I am 20 tp x reti masak :(( boleh kan cikti . jangan la garang sangat. huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue
I want to go Art Class. I bought a new oil paint set in January :DD
and I m going to sew lots and lots of flowers. my target is 2000 flowers. hehehe
ayah, pizah akan semakkan rumah ok =p
there are few other stuff but tak nak bgtaw, sngt malu ouch
but for now, this is a maybe plan,
13 July to 15 July -> WOW in KL (this is not confirm yet as i might have to go Miri on 13th)
16 July to 20 July -> Miri, Sarawak ( this is confirm cuz ive applied and I got it : )
Since I've put up the link so I dnt have to tell more kan?
30 July to 2 August -> Bandung, Indonesia
we are buying cheap air asia flight tickets, 'we' means Cempakans, we'll be doing a charity projek kat rumah anak2 yatim there. and of course at the same time nak shopping. I want to bring Hana or Anis. tapi umi/pakngah kena sponsor diorng la. boleh kan bawak anis pakngah, since dia pun free?
InsyaAllah i will do all this. im aware that some of the events masa bulan posa. but like I said before, I just dont like when ppl said you cant do this and that without reasonable reason and say owh its just religions stuff. ok nevermind.
other than this date I want to be in Penang with umi and ayah, hana hadi and bullah. and TOK !!
ok tipu la kalo cakap tak rindu tok
pizah rindu cikti and cik adi jugak =p
cikti baju raya pizah tak buat lagi .wuwuwu,
Hana and Hadi, kakak nak bawak pegi shopping kat Popular okeyh :))
urmm so for now
ayah umi jangan risau sangat okeyh :) I've been good here and happy well walopun lonely selalu
I dont like most of the matsalleh here. sombong bongkak berlagak and so proud of themselves and sangat liar. owh gosh dah la dalam public speaking society ada minah matsaleh yang annoying gila @-@
owh update pasal usrah, i ve been there tiga kali ja, kan dah cakap nak bagi cubaan lima kali kan, the thing is macam kena sambung next year, so I still have to continue tahun depan.
Ive been eating a lot lately. sebab beli shopping online . so tak payah pegi bei grocery then tarik barang berat2. so senang hidup. masa tu ada kupon,free delivery :) from Sainsbury
and i finished chocolate bar sainsbury 100 gram yg 35 p tu dalam satu hari =_=
tawu la benda tu gemuk tapi dah addicted. this happen last week, 5 days in a row, so 5 bars of chocolates. ok srkng dah stop sebab stock dah abes. maybe I should get more esok.
there is one good news! I havent been shopping since hrrmm x ingat la! yeay to me !
nak save duit nanti nak bawak umi ayah jalan senang or maybe ayah sponsor . bolehhh kan??
dah dapat tak postcard pizah dari spain?????
anyway sorry tak online or have not been updating blog. sangat sibuk lately
exam start on 22nd May smpai 13 Jun. so sekarang tngh study tapi kelas still ada. melampau kan. x der study week :((
this weekend ada program solat hajat and bacaan yasin by mcs. tu jeee
so nothing much going on lately besides study tutorials lectures and so on
what a life macam nie but life has to go on.
hrmm i wanna say something about the Malaysian Society here.,,hrmmm
tapi nanti la pizah bgtaw
i should focus my study dulu >.<
owh im thinking a new camera since my camera not so canggih and cantek
and nnti ayah umi nak datang tak der camera nak tangkap gambar honeymoon plak. hahahahhaah
okeyh thats all for now.
p/s : soory no picture. macam surat ja pun .okeyh
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